Shailender S Tripathi
Co-Founder and Director
VictoryTales with its prime objective to bring meaningful success stories of entrepreneurs from around the world this time introduces Shailender S Tripathi, Co-Founder at Indyo Organic Private Limited.
Shailender is an effective communicator with perfect relationship building & interpersonal skills with vast experience in consistently raising sales and profitability for the company. With over 10 years of experience in Sales and Marketing, Key Account Management, Distributor/Channel management, Sales Promotion & Team Management Shailender added extensive experience in exploring and developing new channel partners, CNF, Distributors for accelerating growth & achieving desired goals.
Shailender came from a farmer background and being a farmer means that you get to go to bed each night knowing that you have contributed to something that people need on a most basic level. Right from his childhood, he has seen his Grandfather, Father, and other people of their village working very hard in their farmland for their livelihood. The whole idea came in the mind of Shailender of being an entrepreneur from the rich experience he has developed through his Organic journey in top-notch companies and their operations from farm to fork.
Know more about
Indyo Organic Pvt. Ltd.
INDYO ORGANIC ensures a consistent and stable supply of organic commodities and has a diversified cultivation base with a network of 2500 Farmers in 3 states i.e.Madhya Pradesh, Chhatisgarh, and Meghalaya. The company has its own geographically diversified cultivation base and with its continuous improvement in cultivation methods, it ensures that these agricultural products are sold domestically and used as raw materials at its own processing facilities. Indyo Organic has more than 100 organic commodities to offer to its consumers.
INDYO ORGANIC believes that changes are required in the present social, economic, political operations of the society in order to make this beautiful earth sustainable to ensure the longevity of life of all the living entities on this planet through Plantation, Agricultural developments, crop cultivation & its care and Indigenous crop conservation and recycling.
INDYO ORGANIC has a vision for the Farmers and various Farmer’s Welfare Special efforts are made to educate the farmers about organic cultivation in order to reduce the cost of production and set them free from debts by using their own preparations. The company also helps the farmers by providing them technological support for pest management, fertility, and quality management by organic methods.
Where did the idea to start something like this come from? Please also talk us through your background and your journey as an entrepreneur;
I come from a farmer background where I see my Grandfather, Father, and other people working very hard in their farmland for their livelihood using fertilizers and pesticides to yield more grains which they don’t know about their future consequences. During my traveling to various states and visits to different Organic Farms, I came to know the alternative of using fertilizers and pesticides which keeps our life healthy and most important conserve our Mother Earth.
The whole idea of being entrepreneurship came from the rich experience I developed through my Organic journey in Top-notch companies, their operations from farm to fork.
Why did you choose entrepreneurship over a job?
To be an entrepreneur one day was always there in my mind. But before that, I need to know the depth of knowledge in the functioning of the whole operation and have a chance to interact with interesting people. During the course of time, I realized this job as monotonous and humdrum where I completely found myself at a loose end. So, I planned to drop this 9 to 5 job to give myself more productive time and make my vision more diverse in the field of Organic for the sustainable development of our farmers who are the real winners.

What was your key driving force to become an entrepreneur?
The farmer background and rich experience in the Organic Journey made my path challenging but more enjoyable and satisfying where I get an opportunity to transfer my knowledge to farmers making them aware about the Organic Farming.
What’s your source of motivation?
The answer to this question is more or less the same answer as I explained earlier: my inner desire to do something for my farmers and sharing with them my knowledge which I have learned during these years so that they can do justice to their mother Earth by making the land and soil sustainable.
How many hours a day do you work on average?
Truly speaking I do not believe in quantity but the quality I use to spend in my entrepreneurship journey which gives me immense satisfaction that YES, I am going on the right track. Hours and Hours is being spent on interacting with people and learning from them new skills such as how to fill the lacunae and improve the whole system and make it more affordable to the common people.
What is the uniqueness of your startup?
Serving with utmost quality to the health loving consumer. Availability of a large variety of affordable products without any intention of high profit-making. Always ready to serve with the best and authentic quality and service.

How do you handle the pressure and manage stress?
Being an Organic lover, I know the importance of eating healthy foods and feel the strength and vitality of the product which makes me more confident to handle pressure and stress.
There are times I come across few customers who find reluctance in buying Organic foods due to its high price without knowing its deep health benefits to his or her family, which I believe is complete insurance to the whole family. Pressure does come sometimes in the availability of products throughout the year which I am keenly working to make it available to the consumer at large.
How do you generate new ideas?
Rich experience and meeting with new people all over India and abroad keeps me motivated and helps me in learning innovative things to make this whole journey more comfortable and satisfying.
How did you come up with the name of your company?
As I mentioned previously, I am from a farmer background and 70% of our population depends on agriculture which I believe is the real winner and economic booster of our country Bharat. So, I formed my company as a patriot and salute to our Mother Earth in the name of INDYO ORGANIC, which has given so much to us as its rich biodiversity in the world.
What piece of advice would you give to college graduates who want to become entrepreneurs?
Believe in yourself. Find your strength weakness, avoid rat race, avoid comparing yourself with others. Every individual has its own unique strength. Believe in your dreams and follow them wholeheartedly. Do not panic from failure, trying again and again one day you will surely get the right path to follow and achieve your dreams. GOOD LUCK!